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Finance Bargaining Session 3


Thank you to everyone who joined us today for the first rounds of Finance bargaining with OSF! We’ve covered some good ground so far and we’re looking forward to getting back into it tomorrow, Thursday, February 22nd 9:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. in person in Camps on the Ashland Campus and virtually on Zoom. 


At tomorrow’s session we will be continuing to examine existing articles from our Production and Facilities CBA’s that may easily transfer into the new CBA with minimal changes. Articles on the docket for tomorrow include:

Article 6 - Union Rights and Privileges

Article 10 - Meal Periods and Rest Breaks

Article 15 - Health and Safety

While observers are welcome to join in discussion during breaks and caucuses we ask that during bargaining we ask that all observers remain on mute to avoid any accidental interruptions or disturbances. If you have any questions or comments for the bargaining team you can reach us in real time via email at

We’ll do our best to address anything we receive at the next caucus, but anything we don’t have time for we’ll make sure to cover in a follow-up.


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