Hi Folx!
We’re back at it! Finance bargaining returns March 20th, at 9:30 a.m.! We’ll be in person at the Ashland Campus in the Camps Conference Room and on Zoom!
What We'll be Talking About
As most of you probably know by now our previous session on March 7th was postponed due to the NLRB hearing for our Box Office petition; while this did have an effect on our in person bargaining we sent ahead proposals to OSF in anticipation of tomorrow’s session. We’re looking forward to hearing their response on:
Article 19 - Benefits
Article 20 - Holidays
Article 21 - Vacation
In addition to the above Articles we’ll also be talking about scheduling the remainder of our bargaining sessions for Finance. Stay tuned to this space for updates and calls for note takers!
Where can I Watch?
Rules for Observers:
While observers are welcome to join in discussion during breaks and caucuses we ask that during bargaining we ask that all observers remain on mute to avoid any accidental interruptions or disturbances. If you have any questions or comments for the bargaining team you can reach us in real time via email at vicepresident@iatse154.com.
We’ll do our best to address anything we receive at the next caucus, but anything we don’t have time for we’ll make sure to cover in a follow-up.
Bargaining Bingo:
Bargaining Bingo is here! Play along as you listen and compete to win IATSE swag from 154 and other locals gathered at conferences and conventions all across the country. You can head over to our IATSE 154 Instagram stories for a sneak peek at a selection of the prizes on offer!
Generate and download your card here: https://bingobaker.com/#65bae294c10aab54
Get a Bingo?! Contact our Vice President of Membership Teka England at VPMembership@iatse154.com. Prizes will be available to claim at our General Membership Meetings in Talent. If you can’t make it please coordinate with Teka and we’ll make sure to get you sorted.