Hi Folks,
The hardship form has been updated to reflect the changes voted on for the 2020 year. Members experiencing financial struggles (yes, hello, it's everyone) can use this form to apply for one of three things:
1. Hardship Grant: 4 available. Receive a one quarter stamp waiver and $100 for groceries in the form of a gift card.
2. Special Covid Relief Stamp Waiver: 30 available. One quarter stamp waiver.
3. Dues extension: If you think you can pay later but not right now, use this one. For 2020 extensions can be longer than 1 month provided all stamps are paid up by the close of 2020.
Here's the link: https://forms.gle/Y9DPx9a626i6S5Hb8
Later quarters' stamps will be due at their normal times unless folks apply again.
- If you'd rather send an email please use eboard@iatse154.com
Thanks all! Stay strong! Let us know if you need anything 💙